Ted Bundy Stans Vs. Cumbia Thanos

Read to the end for a cool song

First Up, Ted Bundy Stans Are Fighting With Everyone

Before I dig into this I want to state that there is probably a 50/50 chance this is all a LARP. That said, serial killer stans have been a thing forever, so maybe this isn’t all that crazy. Back in 2012, stans of the Aurora Shooter, James Holmes (or Holmesies), kept photoshopping him having sex with me.

I assume most of what we’re seeing now is because of that movie Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile where Zac Efron plays Bundy. Now a bunch of Gen Z kids are horny for serial killers. I am sort of liking some of the modern twists on this though. For instance, they’re having stan fights:

It’s really hard to go back and figure out where all of this came from because the accounts keep getting deleted. I assume for gore maybe? Also, they keep picking fights with K-Pop stans, who, as we’ve discussed on Garbage Day before, run the internet and will mass-report you into oblivion if you fuck with them.

If you didn’t catch that by the way, some of the Ted Bundy accounts are referring to the electric chair as a slur. (This is what makes me think this is all a big LARP.) Oh well.

Next, Check Out This Sandwich

Apparently it’s called a BLTini. It was apparently created by food historian Ken Albala and, well, Ken, I fucking hate it. Thanks! According to Albala’s blog, he’s a little confused about why everyone’s upset. He writes:

Are people paying attention to the nonsense I post? And why are there such violent protests of love and hate? Why would someone take the time to say how disgusting they think this is? It's just cured pork belly (bacon) lettuce and tomato set in a gin and vermouth gelatin with a touch of sugar. How could this be offensive? What weird chord has this struck??

We are paying attention! And it’s awful! Keep up the good work.

Right, So, This Video Made My Jaw Drop

This video is truly mindblowing. When my friend Katie sent it to me yesterday, I started hyperventilating. You gotta give it like a good minute for it to get really good and then, please, whatever you do, keep watching because there’s a final twist that melted my fucking brain.

Apparently, it’s a 2014 performance at King's Academy, a Christian college-preparatory school in Florida. Sadly, the whole video has been taken down, probably because this clip is now going viral. It’s all thanks to this Vulture post with the guy from High Maintenance, where he listed all of his favorite YouTube videos. It’s an amazing playlist and reminded me of my favorite YouTube video of all time:

Oh, Did You Know Venom’s Feet Are Visible In Venom?

This interesting observation comes from the Tumblr Shitty Movie Details. They write, “In Venom (2018), you can actually see Venom’s toes. This a subtle nod to my crippling foot fetish. God I want to suck Venoms toes so bad. Fuck.” Cool. That’s cool. Thanks.

Alright, Cumbia Thanos Time

If you haven’t already watched the greatest video ever made, do yourself a favor. It’s perfect! I did some digging and here’s what I got:

Before We Go, Meet Stray Cat J

He’s a cat from Japan. He’s on Tumblr and he’s always fighting with his landlady. I think I’m in love with him. With content like this, how did Verizon screw up this platform so bad?! Here’s another good Stray Cat J post:

Stray Cat J had a good reply too:

In writing this out, I’m realizing that Stray Cat J is talking to a Tumblr user named hentaijackist. I think I understand why Verizon lost all that money.

Finally, An Announcement

I’m going on a real live vacation next week, so some friends are chipping in to keep this pile of shit afloat. Please be nice to them. They’re all extremely online, so it should all go great. See you in two weeks!

P.S. here’s that cool song.

***All typos in this letter are on purpose actually***


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